Страшные истории debuted off on June 11, 2020 on ТВ-3. It's a 13-minute Scripted TV series tagged supernatural,horror that broadcast its 2nd season on ТВ-3 by Thursdays at .
Вернувшиеся debuted off on October 18, 2019 on ТВ-3. It's a 60-minute Documentary TV series tagged that broadcast its 4th season on ТВ-3 by Fridays at 14:40.
Врачи debuted off on February 15, 2021 on ТВ-3. It's a 60-minute Documentary TV series tagged that broadcast its 2nd season on ТВ-3 by Fridays at 15:40.
Анна-детективъ debuted off on November 07, 2016 on ТВ-3. It's a 47-minute Scripted TV series tagged mystery,supernatural that broadcast its 2nd season on ТВ-3 by Mondays at 19:30.
О здоровье: Понарошку и всерьез debuted off on May 13, 2017 on ТВ-3. It's a 30-minute Reality TV series tagged family,medical that broadcast its 1st season on ТВ-3 by Saturdays at 10:00.
Историк debuted off on September 13, 2021 on ТВ-3. It's a 47-minute Scripted TV series tagged thriller,mystery that broadcast its 2nd season on ТВ-3 by Mondays at 19:30.
Не бойся debuted off on April 30, 2020 on ТВ-3. It's a 9-minute Scripted TV series tagged thriller,supernatural,horror that broadcast its 2nd season on ТВ-3 by Thursdays at .