Топор debuted off on May 09, 2018 on НТВ. It's a 49-minute Scripted TV series tagged drama,war that broadcast its 4th season on НТВ by Wednesdays at 22:00.
Последние 24 часа debuted off on September 07, 2019 on НТВ. It's a None-minute Reality TV series tagged that broadcast its 1st season on НТВ by Fridays at 17:15.
Пять минут тишины debuted off on February 20, 2017 on НТВ. It's a 50-minute Scripted TV series tagged mystery,adventure that broadcast its 5th season on НТВ by Mondays at 21:20.
Россия рулит! debuted off on September 28, 2019 on НТВ. It's a 100-minute Reality TV series tagged that broadcast its 1st season on НТВ by Sundays at 21:00.
Морские дьяволы. Вектор атаки debuted off on None on НТВ. It's a 45-minute Scripted TV series tagged that broadcast its season on НТВ by Mondays at 21:00.
Запасный выход debuted off on February 18, 2022 on НТВ. It's a 51-minute Scripted TV series tagged mystery,comedy that broadcast its 2nd season on НТВ by Fridays at .
Шоумаскгоон debuted off on September 25, 2021 on НТВ. It's a 120-minute Variety TV series tagged that broadcast its 1st season on НТВ by Saturdays at 20:20.
Скорая помощь debuted off on October 15, 2018 on НТВ. It's a 50-minute Scripted TV series tagged drama,medical that broadcast its 6th season on НТВ by Mondays at 21:20.